Success takes resilience, patience and sacrifices.

A famous Chinese adage, “One minute on stage, ten years of training off-stage”. Often than not, it is the behind-the-scenes and backstage preparation which help to confirm a certain success of any production. Likewise when one works tirelessly to pursue their goals and achieve their dreams. The sacrificial is real. The choices are hard. The … More Success takes resilience, patience and sacrifices.

To govern the country, one must govern the family after cultivating one’s self. 治国先治家,治家先律己。

Simple version: 治国先治家,治家先律己. To govern a country, one must first manage the house well; to manage one’s house well, first determine and maintain discipline. Expanded version: 古之欲明明德于天下者;先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;……心正而后身修,身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。”大意是说:古代那些要使美德彰明于天下的人,要先治理好他的国家;要治理好国家的人,要先整顿好自己的家;要整顿好家的人,要先进行自我修养;要进行自我修养的人,要先端正他的思想……思想端正了,然后自我修养完善;自我修养完善了,然后家庭整顿有序;家庭整顿好了,然后国家安定繁荣;国家安定繁荣了,然后天下平定. The general idea is: People who want to show virtue to the world must first govern their country. Those who want to govern the country must first rectify … More To govern the country, one must govern the family after cultivating one’s self. 治国先治家,治家先律己。

Meaning of life

What is ‘life’ to you? Are we living to live or do we live to be living? What keeps you awake? What makes you tick? What motivates you to go on what you are doing each day? What keeps you laughing? What causes the dews to roll down your cheeks? Why are we here? Why … More Meaning of life

The Psychology Behind Why We Procrastinate, Backed By Science And Leonardo Da Vinci

Found this interesting read, there are times when we just do not do what we have set out to do. Mayo Oshin, Writer on Healthy habits. Uncovering the invisible forces that shape our lives. Editor at Every day we wake up with honest intentions and a detailed plan to complete our most important tasks. … More The Psychology Behind Why We Procrastinate, Backed By Science And Leonardo Da Vinci